Molly"Mom" Rinker
GPS Location: 40°02'07.2"N 75°11'59.0"W
This location has one of the most fascinating stories in all Wissahickon Valley Park. It's a must-see if you can find it. I suggest going in the late fall/winter after the leaves have fallen. Check out the photo below and see if you can find the statue in my picture. The statue is on the other side of the creek looking up at the statue. You could walk back and forth for hours and go crazy trying to find it. I have witnessed people trying to climb the rocks up to the statue. I suggest walking past it and just climb up the hill. There is also a trail along one of the parking lots in Mount Airy. What the story behind the statue and this landmark? The Toleration Statue has significant meaning behind it. It was donated to the park in honor of religious freedom and political tolerance. The most fascinating story from this location is based on Molly "Mom" Rinker. She was believed to be an American spy that would scout the location of the British army during the Battle of Germantown. She would place notes inside the balls of yarn and toss them to the American soldiers off the cliff. Is the story true? I don't know. I couldn't find too many books based on her story. Here is a pricey so you might want to check it out at your library. Here is a link to the book. American Women at War
Toleration Statue Pictures
Can you find the statue below? Imagine trying to see it with all the leaves on the trees.